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Organic Thyme


Thyme or Thymios (Thymus joint, lat. Thymus vulgaris) are angiosperm, dikotylon plant which belongs to the class Solinanthon (Tubiflorae) and in the Labiatae family (Labiatae). It is a shrub of small height (up to 30 cm), with upright shoots, extremely durable, emerges very pleasant aroma. It is found in the southern and Mediterranean regions of Europe in various parts of Asia and is cultivated in North America.


Thyme contains essential oil in an amount of 1-2%. The main component of thyme essential oil by 20-54% is thymol or, otherwise, camphor thyme, has uses in perfumery and dentistry. Thymol has an antiseptic effect and is the main ingredient in many commercial mouthwashes, such as Listerine. Before the advent of modern antibiotics, thyme essential oil was used to spread gauze. Thymol has also been shown to be effective in fighting fungi that often infect toenails. It is also an active ingredient in some non-alcoholic herbal remedies for hand disinfection.


Beverage from thyme can be used to treat coughs and bronchitis. To prepare the infusion, put 1 tablespoon of dry or 2 tablespoons of fresh herb, without stalk, in 1 cup of boiling water, cover it for 10 minutes and then strain it.

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